Working to Reimagine the Future
The Sandringham Estate has a clear vision for a more sustainable future and the 200-plus people we employ in a wide range of areas and businesses are key to delivering this.
Vacancies for people sharing our core values of respect, integrity and professionalism arise for roles across the Estate. These include in Sandringham House, Gardens and Royal Park, as well as in the Courtyard, which houses the Restaurant, Terrace Café and Shop and welcomes more than half a million people a year.
More rural employment includes the Sandringham Farms Department, which embraces a 3,000-strong flock of Aberfield sheep and native Shorthorn crossbreed cattle producing organic, 100% grass-fed meat for the Restaurant and Café, as well as for farm shops across the UK and a premium retailer. Also included is the Sandringham Sawmill, which converts timber grown on the Estate for retail sale.
Any vacancies available will be listed below and feature on our news page.
If no vacancies are listed there are currently non available.