Parking Information
When you buy tickets to visit Sandringham or use one of our car parks, you are helping to support the stewardship of the Estate.
The two main areas for parking are the North and West car parks.
Parking for visits to the House and/or Garden is £5 per vehicle when bought in advance online.
Alternatively, there are pay machines, which use automated number-plate recognition (ANPR) technology to work out the fee due when you leave, in both car parks. Payment can be made by card, cash or via the app (
Coach and accessible parking facilities are located in the North car park. This is the nearest parking area to the Courtyard, where amenities including the Terrace Café and Sandringham Shop can be found.
We’ve added what3words addresses to information points and entrances around the Royal Parkland. Navigate to each precise location by entering its what3words address (///word.word.word), including the dots, into the free what3words app, which can be downloaded on Android or iOS.
North car park entrance – ///reactions.loafing.trails
North car park pay station – ///professes.freshen.glitz
West car park entrance – ///rewarded.regulates.baseballs
West car park pay station – ///suggested.blocks.damp
Children’s Play Area – ///agreeable.bubbles.relate
Ticket Office in the Courtyard – ///valuables.incline.swanky
Toilets – ///cans.jetliner.words